Why You Should Be an Organ Donor

Give Someone a Second Chance at Life
You have the power to save and heal someone’s life and it only takes a minute of your time. Register to be an organ donor and give hope to those who are waiting. Every 10 minutes, someone is added to the national transplant waiting list where there are more than 100,000 people already in line.

The Benefits of Organ Donation
On average, 22 people die waiting everyday because an organ is not available in time. The waiting list is real — so is hope — that’s where you can help. While the majority of Americans are in favor of being a donor, only 58% are actually registered. Take a minute to register and give hope to the people and families waiting for a life-saving organ donation by increasing the number of registered donors.

Let Your Intention Be Known By Registering To Be An Organ Donor
Making the choice to be a registered organ donor is not just a gift to those waiting for a life-saving transplant, it's also a gift to your family. So often, these difficult conversations get put off, leaving families uncertain of their loved one’s final wishes. Make sure your loved ones knows your intentions.
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