Support for Donor Families
Donor Network West is here to support you and honor your loved ones. As you navigate through this difficult time of loss and grief, we offer resources to help.

Write to your Loved One’s Organ Recipient
If you wish to correspond with your loved one’s organ recipient, Donor Network West will help facilitate the communication. While writing to a recipient is a personal choice, it can also prove to be very rewarding and comforting.
“I have seen the joy that organ and tissue donation brings to families who receive the lives of their loved ones back. It helps me to know that my husband, Rob, was a registered donor, and gave the ultimate gift.”

With You Every Step of the Way
Donor Network West works with donor families to provide continued support following the loss of a loved one. We offer information on the donation outcome, a biannual grief-focused newsletter, memory cards, the opportunity to make a quilt square, and a Donor Family Ceremony honoring the donors and their families. Additionally, we facilitate correspondence between you and the recipients and provide referrals for grief support. Donor Network West also hosts a Donor Family Facebook Group to allow families the chance to connect and share stories and resources.

Share Your Story
Many people find that sharing their story helps with the grieving process. If this interests you, it would be our privilege to learn more about your loved one and their life saving gift. With your permission, sharing your story helps to educate the public about the generosity, power and outcomes of organ, tissue, and tissue donation and often inspires others to register to become organ donors.
Memorializing A Loved One
After the Gift of Life is Given
Donor Memorial Quilts
Donor Network West creates donor memorial quilts out of quilt squares made by donor families to honor the legacy of those who have given the gift of life. Each square is unique and personal. Sewn together, they represent our collective unity and the gifts of life each have given.
“I am thrilled to be able to teach all day and still have the energy to do other activities after school. My life has changed incredibly and I am forever thankful to my donor family.”
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