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High Schools – Organ Donation Education

Every year, our Donate Life Ambassadors give presentations in high schools throughout our service area of northern California and northern Nevada to educate students about the organ donation process and its life-saving impact. In most cases, high school students elect whether or not to be an organ donor at the DMV when getting their driver’s license. Organ donation education helps them to make an informed decision. By sharing their connection to donation as organ/tissue recipients or as donor family members, Donate Life Ambassadors provide students with personal perspectives on donation.

A helpful resource guide has been created to assist educators on the organ donation discussion in the classroom. We encourage educators to view the videos on this page and share them with your students, friends, and family.

Educator Resource Guide

If you’re interested in having a presentation at your high school, email [email protected].

Start Or Join A Pink Dot/Red Heart Club At Your High School

In addition to having Donate Life Ambassadors give presentations, we encourage the students themselves to form their own Pink Dot (CA) or Red Heart (NV) Club at their school to promote donation.

Pink Dot Club Logo

Pink Dot Club

Red Heart Club logo

Red Heart Club